Monday, February 28, 2011

Today is Today, Which Won't Be Tomorrow.

Well where to begin, I was browsing though the bookmarks on my laptop and remembered I have a blog haha go figure aye. So I haven't written in a long time, but I feel like I want to share my thoughts and feelings. I don't care who reads my blog, just remember I'm going to write and if you don't like something then get over it I'm writing for me not for anybody else. Another thing real quick before I forget, I am not sure how often I am going to blog or to what extent, so I might even blog three times in one day, and then none for a week who knows lol.

Wow so where to begin (again). I am eating chips and kind of watching a movie. I know I should be getting off my butt and clean the house but I don't quite feel like it yet.

Little Ace is getting so big! For those of you who don't know, or are lost from reading my blog from a long time ago, I am 17, married to an amazing man named Chris, we are expecting a baby boy, and we have our own house. We have decided to name our baby boy: Ace Wesley Watson. We were looking at names online a while back and stumbled across the name Ace, we fell in love, it works great and I haven't ever met anyone named Ace, have you? Yes granted he may get teased for his name, but little kids are mean and vicious they're going to tease every name in the book, plus if he is a boy, which I am almost 100 percent sure he is then he will have to learn to stand up for himself. His middle name, Wesley, is from Chris's side of the family, his dad, and grandpa are both name Wesley so it seemed suitable. And then of course the Watson is our last name. I am currently 32 weeks and 2 days! :) Most people say I should feel like I've been pregnant forever, however I still feel like it has only been like one or two months, when it is a little over eight now. I very much enjoy being pregnant, other than the terrible morning sickness in the beginning, which has leveled out now and I really don't have it anymore. My biggest challenge now is trying to sleep because I have to get him, myself, and Chris comfortable. Sometimes it takes a while haha. He is definitely going to be a character I can tell already. Whenever he hears his dad's voice, he moves to that side of my tummy or to where his hand is its so cute! It is going to be so crazy to be a mother I have to say that right now. I always thought about what it would be like to have my own children when I was babysitting but never really thought about it. I am so excited though!
The baby shower is next week, we are having it March 6 at 1 pm here at my house. I am stoked to see everyone that's coming and to see what all gifts we get for Ace, after the shower we can finally go and buy everything else we need, I'm just hoping someone gets us a crib and travel system lol if not we will buy it I guess. My mom said she will buy a cake so I'm excited to see what it looks like :) I am still waiting for everyone to RSVP so I know how much food to get, I figured I'll just get some snacks because I have no idea what everyone likes to eat. I am also so excited to finally see Ted and Christine again! I haven't seen them in such a long time! After Ted and I's fallout I missed a lot of what happened in their life and they missed it in mine, so we have been catching up, it will be so great to see them again though! I am so excited for them to meet Chris and Chris to meet them I know my brother and Chris will get along great because they both work in the same field, both love cars and trucks, both love electronics, and they just have a lot in common. I get to see all my friends and everyone from long ago also so that is going to be exciting!
Then the next day after the baby shower I get to get over all my nerves and go take my official GED test. I know I will pass just fine, but I am so used to having high scores, that if I don't have high scores I am not going to feel like I passed even if I technically do ha I know I'm weird but OH well. The one subject I did worse on during the practice tests was reading. The reason I didn't do so good with it is because when i was back in school I was offered to take a college level speed reading class because my grades and school stuff was all high, so of course I took it. However I have always had a big problem with keeping focused on what I am reading and not letting my mind wonder, but that class just screwed me all up, now when I read, unless the subject is really really interesting I loose focus and read really fast though it and then when I finish it I don't realize what I just read. So that is the only worry I have with getting my GED is passing that test. And then of course math, well math always sucks, all I have to say for that is as long as they have the equations I should be able to figure most of the problems out but if I don't get equations you know like how to get the average, or distance, or whatnot then I feel like I'm kind of screwed ha so we will see.
OH! I just remembered, I got a new camera!!! I don't wanna say finally, butttt... Finally lol. I do feel bad that I got one though, I'm not sure why but whenever I spend a big amount of money on myself I feel guilty. The camera I got was the Nikon S8100, its black, I really love it so far! I just got it last night so I charged it and then went to bed so I haven't really played too much with it, but that will change! We also got a printer/copier/scanner :) its white lol its a Canon, it's really nice. Chris really wanted to get a laptop last night too, but its so much better to get them from Best Buy than from Walmart, he said they're more expensive at Best Buy but I disagree. So add in my feeling guilty for getting myself a camera, and not letting him buy a laptop from Walmart, yeah I wasn't too happy with myself. So I've been thinking if he is still up for it maybe I should let him get a laptop sometime? Hell IDK me and money gosh I'm such a worrywart, whenever we have extra money I never want to spend it incase we are going to run out or something, but I think I just need to relax, though its much easier said than done, especially with all these heightened emotions of being pregnant :p
Oh my gosh, so, I finally found an amazing book that I was able to read basically without putting it down... and after I finish it... in half a day(which is really good for me... remember because I can't focus very easy anymore), so I finally finished it and then do some research only to find out that the second book in the trilogy doesn't come out until 2012!! I was SOOOOOOOOOOOO mad you have no idea! The book I read is called, The Search For WondLa, by Tony Diterlizzi. He is an amazing author I just have to say, and I don't even care it he writes young adult fiction, its amazing! He also wrote the Spider-wick Chronicles. I wish he had more books out, I think I am going to look around and see what some books or authors like that book or author are.
Well I think I am done blogging for now, I guarantee I will probably be on later writing about something else, so if you're bored you can read haha, if you want anyway. So for now :) Have a good day!