Saturday, May 21, 2011

Out. Of. Breath.

So holy cow, I completely forgot how tiring it is to jump on the trampoline! I listened to my brother and Chris talking about how tired they were after two minutes, then when I tried wow did I realize what they were talking about haha. I love tramps! I completely forgot! I haven't tried a flip yet, I'm kinda scared to.
So we are moving to Evans. There was debating over Oregon, or Evans. We don't have enough money to get out to Oregon yet, so were going with Evans, we are moving into Luwana's old house, its really nice, at least the part I did see lol. I'm pretty stoked :) I wish we could move this weekend lol but we have to wait. Only one month left, and that also means 3 weeks until miss Katelynn comes to visit!!! I miss her so much its going to be so awesome to see her :)...

Well as you can tell I am exhausted so I'm going to try and go get some sleep. Try to blog again when I can.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mothers Instincts.

So yesterday I decided to take Ace to Walmart for the first time, I kept him in his car seat with a blanket over him so no one would breathe their nasty germs on him. They say you should wait until your newborn in at least two or three weeks old, preferably one month old before bringing them into society's bacteria, aka Walmart lol. He was just two days shy of a month yesterday so I figured it was ok. But walking though Walmart was so different for two reasons. One being its also been a month since I have been out into the world around other people, I've been at home with Ace, so it felt very weird for me. Then the second reason is walking though the store I looked at everyone around me and glared thinking to myself, I bet they are sick, they better not get Ace sick or else, I though this about everyone I walked past. One lady coughed and I got so mad inside lol. But all in all the trip went well he pretty much slept the whole time. It was also the first time I rode in a vehicle's front seat, up until yesterday I sat in the back right next to him to make sure he was ok or that his head didn't fall forward or anything.
He is growing so big! I bet he is close to 10 pounds lol give or take a couple, I wish I had a baby scale to find out for sure! Guess we'll just have to wait until his two month check-up. Well just wanted to share our first in society visit lol. TTYL