Thursday, August 18, 2011

Long Time.

Well I haven't blogged in a while ha forgot I had one to be honest lol. How much my life has changed! Almost two years ago I was a sophomore in high school, wondering if I would ever have a real boyfriend, what I was going to do with my life. Now two years later here I am, married to the most amazing man :) with a home of our own, and the most amazing great, uhg words cannot describe my son! I love my family so much. I finished High School a year and a half early, I got my GED, I absolutely love the classroom but towards the end to be honest school was worthless, their teaching curriculum was too slow for me, but i stayed with it, though when I had the chance to do home school I jumped on it, but it was too expensive so I just got my GED. Just so everyone knows your high school diploma is the exact same as your GED, I passed with flying colors so I am not worried.Life has sure changed, I used to live with my mom, little brother and sister. Now I live with my husband and child in Evans, and my mom and siblings live all the way in Oregon. Its definitely weird being so far away from them but we are both happy, and sooner or later its bound to happen anyway.

My little man Ace is going to be 20 weeks old Monday! Gosh darn how the time flies! It still feels like I just had him last week to be honest, subtracted the way I felt when I was gaining back my strength. He has grown so much, he has started grabbing his toys and he puts everything in his mouth now, slobbers soo much :) and can hold his head up, we are working on sitting up without any assistance. He can roll from his tummy to back, and hes rolled once from his back to tummy but prefers not to so that might be a while before hes willing haha. I feed him water/apple juice every now and then out of a bottle which he takes absolutely no problem now. Other than that I am just breastfeeding, I plan to stop when he gets his first tooth and then I will pump until it dries up then either continue with formula or if hes old enough just feed him baby food or whatnot. He talks so much now, he is working on all his new voice levels and sounds so his voice is kind of raspy but should be gone in a couple days, I put a humidifier in his room. Which also reminds me, he had difficulty sleeping he didn't want to miss anything so he would only sleep on the dryer for the longest time. Happy to say he will now sleep in his crib :) or his swing, I alternate but try to keep him in his crib most of the time. I read him books which he absolutely loves other than trying to eat them he studies the pictures. I bought him a big set of books. It includes 24 books, 8 posters, a CD, and membership to an internet site(which I probably wont use). The books include a set for little ones with pictures and words and a few activities for parent and baby. The next set includes all the weird and odd questions they want to ask us. Such as "why are flamingos pink" well the answer is because they eat pink shrimp, that I didn't even know ha. And the last set includes all the school's basic subjects and tells about them and has activities in them. They are all hardback. The posters are all Jelly coated which prevents easy ripping and paper cuts. I receive them in September, next month I am thrilled to get them :D.

Well as you probably have heard, Chris is in ND for work, he will come home next Wednesday. I am so freaking looking forward to giving him a big hug and kiss! Its so hard on everyone when hes gone. Those 2 weeks when he is home fly by! And before you know it another lifetime begins for him gone :'(. Chris and Ace are so important to me I can't imagine life without them.

I still remember the day we met. And I will never forget it :) He changed my life and I absolutely love it, I have learned so much being with him, the fights, the good times, and the dull times ha always there is something to learn. I love you babe.

Another subject, my license, yes I still haven't gotten it yet, I know I know. I think the biggest reason is because I am terrified of failing, I still don't have all my hours in I know I can improve but there's no one to practice with so its hard. When Chris is here I honestly don't want to practice that often because it stresses me out then I am mad at him and then before you know it we are fighting and hes going to work. Eventually I will get it but I do need to thank everyone that's given me a ride to appointments and stores and wherever I need. Thank You.

Well I think that's all I am going to talk about for now I had more but now I am just drawing a blank. Till Later!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Out. Of. Breath.

So holy cow, I completely forgot how tiring it is to jump on the trampoline! I listened to my brother and Chris talking about how tired they were after two minutes, then when I tried wow did I realize what they were talking about haha. I love tramps! I completely forgot! I haven't tried a flip yet, I'm kinda scared to.
So we are moving to Evans. There was debating over Oregon, or Evans. We don't have enough money to get out to Oregon yet, so were going with Evans, we are moving into Luwana's old house, its really nice, at least the part I did see lol. I'm pretty stoked :) I wish we could move this weekend lol but we have to wait. Only one month left, and that also means 3 weeks until miss Katelynn comes to visit!!! I miss her so much its going to be so awesome to see her :)...

Well as you can tell I am exhausted so I'm going to try and go get some sleep. Try to blog again when I can.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mothers Instincts.

So yesterday I decided to take Ace to Walmart for the first time, I kept him in his car seat with a blanket over him so no one would breathe their nasty germs on him. They say you should wait until your newborn in at least two or three weeks old, preferably one month old before bringing them into society's bacteria, aka Walmart lol. He was just two days shy of a month yesterday so I figured it was ok. But walking though Walmart was so different for two reasons. One being its also been a month since I have been out into the world around other people, I've been at home with Ace, so it felt very weird for me. Then the second reason is walking though the store I looked at everyone around me and glared thinking to myself, I bet they are sick, they better not get Ace sick or else, I though this about everyone I walked past. One lady coughed and I got so mad inside lol. But all in all the trip went well he pretty much slept the whole time. It was also the first time I rode in a vehicle's front seat, up until yesterday I sat in the back right next to him to make sure he was ok or that his head didn't fall forward or anything.
He is growing so big! I bet he is close to 10 pounds lol give or take a couple, I wish I had a baby scale to find out for sure! Guess we'll just have to wait until his two month check-up. Well just wanted to share our first in society visit lol. TTYL

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Small Moment.

Well I've cleaned the house, for the most part, and Ace is sleeping so I think I will blog for a little while unless he wakes up... So life is great :) I can't believe I have a son! I love him so much its crazy :) He always makes me smile, even when I have to wake up at 2 in the morning to feed him or change him. It is really weird not being pregnant anymore I was so used to it, Chris has replaced two transmissions(one in our Chevy, and one in a Pathfinder for Lynsie and Mason) but during that time I could actually go out there and see how their progress was going. I couldn't before because of the chemicals and stuff. I don't have any cravings anymore, which makes eating more difficult than before. Although I take that back I am addicted to banana cream pie!
So I've come to the conclusion that Ace absolutely loves to pee on us lol I don't mind though I'm kinda used to it but he warns me before he goes all out haha. Breastfeeding is definitely an art, it takes practice and once you got that down its still difficult when you have company and have to try and use a blanket to cover up, I haven't mastered that yet, I try and the other half the time I go to my room so I have privacy.
Wow so now that I get on here to blog my mind goes blank ha. Well I think I'm done for now, kinda short but oh well.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby Ace :)

Wow so guess what, I haven't blogged in a little while because I've been so busy taking care of my son :) That's right! I had him! April 4, 2011 at 6:36am. No drugs or anything, just an antibiotic through my arm for that Group B strep I didn't want to give Ace. He was 6lbs 12.6oz and 19 inches :) It was incredible! So to start off, my water broke up 2 in the morning and I just thought I literally peed myself haha, so no I called the doctor and they told me to come in its time to have a baby lol. At the hospital I had 4 hours of labor and 10 minutes of pushing and he was born! He is so precious! The hospital completely sucked though you can't get any sleep between taking care of the baby and finally getting to sleep and stupid nurses come and wake you up to check on you. I was completely happy to come home that's for darn sure!
Today I noticed Ace's circumcision looked like the plastic had fallen down onto his shaft too far so we brought him to the pediatrician last minute and they took it off, it looked like it hurt so bad and he was crying so hard, I almost cried :'(
He is sleeping it off now though, I think that's the reason he has been so fussy the past two nights is because it was painful, I hope he feels better now.
Holy crap one thing I have to say is the healing process after childbirth is worse then freaking labor! I always itch and wanna die lol my back hurt so bad after I got home and my uterus was so sore, I am starting to feel better but it still isn't fast enough for me haha I'm impatient. I don't want to wait 6 flipping weeks to be fully healed lol I am trying to stay on top of the game of getting sleep, keeping the house clean, eating to keep healthy and keep my breast milk good for Ace, and just being a mom.
So speaking of food, I think I'm going to go get something to eat before little man wakes up for his food :) I love him so much! Oh by the way, must say he has Chris's nose, hands, ears, and eyebrows. And he has my fingers, lips, feet :) He also opens his eyes every so often while sleeping then closes them just like Chris, and he twitches in his sleep like I do lol its so adorable and so is his smile OMG! :D Well for now, I'm going to retire this blog, its short but at least I'm taking a second to blog haha. :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Today was such a nice day, it got up in the 70 degree mark today! So nice! I can't wait for summer :) It will be nice to wear shorts and a tank top again, and I will have my body back and a wonderful little man :D! I keep catching myself thinking and wondering when he is going to get here, I know what my body felt like when I started labor sunday night, i think it was sunday anyhow, so I am kind of looking to see if it starts feeling the same or not. I tried reading my horoscope to see if maybe there was a certain day that jumped out at me but nothing really so I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see haha. Chris starts his days off April 9th, so anytime after that we can wait for Mr. Ace :D He is going to replace the transmission in Lynsie and Mason's vehicle, it shouldn't take too long so that's good. Both Lynsie and I are on bed rest, she went into labor so they had to stop it, shes only 35 weeks or so I believe? Oh! So i made beef enchiladas last night! For making them for the first time I think I did pretty good :) I still think I like chicken enchiladas better though! So I'm gonna have to make like half and half batches lol or just two lol, I need more enchilada sauce :)
I am craving sushi so much right now! Well technically its not sushi because its cooked and only has crab in it lol, I love the Royal California Roll from Suehiro's! When we get more money I gotta go lol if Ace isn't here yet that is...
It is so difficult to stay on bed rest, I want so much to just get up and do something but I have to limit myself. That means sleeping in as late as possible then watching lots of tv, reading, coloring, texting, playing on the internet, pretty much anything I can do sitting or laying down. My back has been really sore but mostly up in my rib on the top right side, not my lower back yet so I'm not in labor lol.
Well I am going to finish this blog I don't know what to write about anymore lol, kinda short but oh well.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ace Might Be Here Sooner Than Expected...

Well after a long night the other night I called my midwife and we decided to go to the hospital and make sure everything is ok. After being hooked up to the machine that monitors contractions and Ace's heartbeat they decided to check me. Upon doing that we found out I am 3cm dialated! I didn't have any contractions while being monitored at the hospital so they sent me home and said to be on light bed rest meaning I can get out of bed for short trips but mainly to keep my feet up. Its really difficult to stay in bed all day I feel like a bum lol. I had to get up a couple times but I took things easy. My contractions slowed down during today but they didn't stop, I'm waiting until tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and we will check everything again. I'm pretty sure I have dialated a little more I mean its not like the contractions completely stopped but then again I could be wrong. I have lost a pretty good amount of my muscus plug the past 2 days also, not sure how much there is in there though haha I've been loosing that since about 28 weeks. Ace has been pretty active today so that's a great sign! The only thing I'm concerned about is if he does come early I'm scared his lungs won't be fully matured but its only a small chance they aren't. One thing that's been pissing me off is my damn nipples itch like effing crazy! I don't understand it! Ahhh! I've also been able to go to the bathroom easily yesterday and today... Numba 2 lol so that's another sign labor could be close. I guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow and find out! Until then good night and those are the graphic details lol not really but still, ill try to blog a little more before he arrives but no promises :)