Thursday, August 18, 2011

Long Time.

Well I haven't blogged in a while ha forgot I had one to be honest lol. How much my life has changed! Almost two years ago I was a sophomore in high school, wondering if I would ever have a real boyfriend, what I was going to do with my life. Now two years later here I am, married to the most amazing man :) with a home of our own, and the most amazing great, uhg words cannot describe my son! I love my family so much. I finished High School a year and a half early, I got my GED, I absolutely love the classroom but towards the end to be honest school was worthless, their teaching curriculum was too slow for me, but i stayed with it, though when I had the chance to do home school I jumped on it, but it was too expensive so I just got my GED. Just so everyone knows your high school diploma is the exact same as your GED, I passed with flying colors so I am not worried.Life has sure changed, I used to live with my mom, little brother and sister. Now I live with my husband and child in Evans, and my mom and siblings live all the way in Oregon. Its definitely weird being so far away from them but we are both happy, and sooner or later its bound to happen anyway.

My little man Ace is going to be 20 weeks old Monday! Gosh darn how the time flies! It still feels like I just had him last week to be honest, subtracted the way I felt when I was gaining back my strength. He has grown so much, he has started grabbing his toys and he puts everything in his mouth now, slobbers soo much :) and can hold his head up, we are working on sitting up without any assistance. He can roll from his tummy to back, and hes rolled once from his back to tummy but prefers not to so that might be a while before hes willing haha. I feed him water/apple juice every now and then out of a bottle which he takes absolutely no problem now. Other than that I am just breastfeeding, I plan to stop when he gets his first tooth and then I will pump until it dries up then either continue with formula or if hes old enough just feed him baby food or whatnot. He talks so much now, he is working on all his new voice levels and sounds so his voice is kind of raspy but should be gone in a couple days, I put a humidifier in his room. Which also reminds me, he had difficulty sleeping he didn't want to miss anything so he would only sleep on the dryer for the longest time. Happy to say he will now sleep in his crib :) or his swing, I alternate but try to keep him in his crib most of the time. I read him books which he absolutely loves other than trying to eat them he studies the pictures. I bought him a big set of books. It includes 24 books, 8 posters, a CD, and membership to an internet site(which I probably wont use). The books include a set for little ones with pictures and words and a few activities for parent and baby. The next set includes all the weird and odd questions they want to ask us. Such as "why are flamingos pink" well the answer is because they eat pink shrimp, that I didn't even know ha. And the last set includes all the school's basic subjects and tells about them and has activities in them. They are all hardback. The posters are all Jelly coated which prevents easy ripping and paper cuts. I receive them in September, next month I am thrilled to get them :D.

Well as you probably have heard, Chris is in ND for work, he will come home next Wednesday. I am so freaking looking forward to giving him a big hug and kiss! Its so hard on everyone when hes gone. Those 2 weeks when he is home fly by! And before you know it another lifetime begins for him gone :'(. Chris and Ace are so important to me I can't imagine life without them.

I still remember the day we met. And I will never forget it :) He changed my life and I absolutely love it, I have learned so much being with him, the fights, the good times, and the dull times ha always there is something to learn. I love you babe.

Another subject, my license, yes I still haven't gotten it yet, I know I know. I think the biggest reason is because I am terrified of failing, I still don't have all my hours in I know I can improve but there's no one to practice with so its hard. When Chris is here I honestly don't want to practice that often because it stresses me out then I am mad at him and then before you know it we are fighting and hes going to work. Eventually I will get it but I do need to thank everyone that's given me a ride to appointments and stores and wherever I need. Thank You.

Well I think that's all I am going to talk about for now I had more but now I am just drawing a blank. Till Later!

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