Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby Ace :)

Wow so guess what, I haven't blogged in a little while because I've been so busy taking care of my son :) That's right! I had him! April 4, 2011 at 6:36am. No drugs or anything, just an antibiotic through my arm for that Group B strep I didn't want to give Ace. He was 6lbs 12.6oz and 19 inches :) It was incredible! So to start off, my water broke up 2 in the morning and I just thought I literally peed myself haha, so no I called the doctor and they told me to come in its time to have a baby lol. At the hospital I had 4 hours of labor and 10 minutes of pushing and he was born! He is so precious! The hospital completely sucked though you can't get any sleep between taking care of the baby and finally getting to sleep and stupid nurses come and wake you up to check on you. I was completely happy to come home that's for darn sure!
Today I noticed Ace's circumcision looked like the plastic had fallen down onto his shaft too far so we brought him to the pediatrician last minute and they took it off, it looked like it hurt so bad and he was crying so hard, I almost cried :'(
He is sleeping it off now though, I think that's the reason he has been so fussy the past two nights is because it was painful, I hope he feels better now.
Holy crap one thing I have to say is the healing process after childbirth is worse then freaking labor! I always itch and wanna die lol my back hurt so bad after I got home and my uterus was so sore, I am starting to feel better but it still isn't fast enough for me haha I'm impatient. I don't want to wait 6 flipping weeks to be fully healed lol I am trying to stay on top of the game of getting sleep, keeping the house clean, eating to keep healthy and keep my breast milk good for Ace, and just being a mom.
So speaking of food, I think I'm going to go get something to eat before little man wakes up for his food :) I love him so much! Oh by the way, must say he has Chris's nose, hands, ears, and eyebrows. And he has my fingers, lips, feet :) He also opens his eyes every so often while sleeping then closes them just like Chris, and he twitches in his sleep like I do lol its so adorable and so is his smile OMG! :D Well for now, I'm going to retire this blog, its short but at least I'm taking a second to blog haha. :)

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