Friday, April 1, 2011

Today was such a nice day, it got up in the 70 degree mark today! So nice! I can't wait for summer :) It will be nice to wear shorts and a tank top again, and I will have my body back and a wonderful little man :D! I keep catching myself thinking and wondering when he is going to get here, I know what my body felt like when I started labor sunday night, i think it was sunday anyhow, so I am kind of looking to see if it starts feeling the same or not. I tried reading my horoscope to see if maybe there was a certain day that jumped out at me but nothing really so I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see haha. Chris starts his days off April 9th, so anytime after that we can wait for Mr. Ace :D He is going to replace the transmission in Lynsie and Mason's vehicle, it shouldn't take too long so that's good. Both Lynsie and I are on bed rest, she went into labor so they had to stop it, shes only 35 weeks or so I believe? Oh! So i made beef enchiladas last night! For making them for the first time I think I did pretty good :) I still think I like chicken enchiladas better though! So I'm gonna have to make like half and half batches lol or just two lol, I need more enchilada sauce :)
I am craving sushi so much right now! Well technically its not sushi because its cooked and only has crab in it lol, I love the Royal California Roll from Suehiro's! When we get more money I gotta go lol if Ace isn't here yet that is...
It is so difficult to stay on bed rest, I want so much to just get up and do something but I have to limit myself. That means sleeping in as late as possible then watching lots of tv, reading, coloring, texting, playing on the internet, pretty much anything I can do sitting or laying down. My back has been really sore but mostly up in my rib on the top right side, not my lower back yet so I'm not in labor lol.
Well I am going to finish this blog I don't know what to write about anymore lol, kinda short but oh well.

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