Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ace Might Be Here Sooner Than Expected...

Well after a long night the other night I called my midwife and we decided to go to the hospital and make sure everything is ok. After being hooked up to the machine that monitors contractions and Ace's heartbeat they decided to check me. Upon doing that we found out I am 3cm dialated! I didn't have any contractions while being monitored at the hospital so they sent me home and said to be on light bed rest meaning I can get out of bed for short trips but mainly to keep my feet up. Its really difficult to stay in bed all day I feel like a bum lol. I had to get up a couple times but I took things easy. My contractions slowed down during today but they didn't stop, I'm waiting until tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and we will check everything again. I'm pretty sure I have dialated a little more I mean its not like the contractions completely stopped but then again I could be wrong. I have lost a pretty good amount of my muscus plug the past 2 days also, not sure how much there is in there though haha I've been loosing that since about 28 weeks. Ace has been pretty active today so that's a great sign! The only thing I'm concerned about is if he does come early I'm scared his lungs won't be fully matured but its only a small chance they aren't. One thing that's been pissing me off is my damn nipples itch like effing crazy! I don't understand it! Ahhh! I've also been able to go to the bathroom easily yesterday and today... Numba 2 lol so that's another sign labor could be close. I guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow and find out! Until then good night and those are the graphic details lol not really but still, ill try to blog a little more before he arrives but no promises :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

True Or False Labor?

So here I am again, on the blog, I wasn't going to but I can't sleep. So I'm currently trying to figure out if I'm in real labor or just false. I convinced myself it was just false but that was a couple hours ago ha. So contractions(braxton hicks) began at 5:50pm for each hour I had about 5 or 6. The last one I've had so far was at 11:54 and I don't think they're over but I have no idea. Anyways. Braxtons aren't suppose to be painful and contractions are.. Whatever mine are.. They aren't at all painful they're very tolerable I can eat, sleep, walk, and talk through them but I don't understand why they're going so long! I've tried sitting, standing, taking a bath, walking, and now laying in bed but they keep going. I'm waiting for the morning I'm getting up an hour before Chris has to work and if I still have them then no work but hospital... Part of me wants to have him soon but then I don't because we need Chris to go to work and bring home money, we are barely going to afford rent this month and still don't have a car seat yet, but I'm sure we'd get one if he comes. I can't sleep because I keep thinking! I still haven't packed my hospital bag yet either... I need to though, hey I started but I have to wash my select clothes in Dreft and pack stuff for Chris and Ace... Well speaking of which I'm going to throw those clothes in the wash incase we do have to leave in the morning, ill try to keep you posted as soon as possible!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Zombies... Fine Now But gonna Hate It Later...

So yesterday was a pretty good day, I had a home inspection which went well, then I just played around with the computers and stuff. After that Rose came over and picked me up so us and Hunter went and walked around the mall for a little while, then came back to my house, ate some lunch and watched Mulan. Then my mom sister and brother came over, they brought pizza and a movie :) Then Meni stayed the night, were watching Resident Evil: Afterlife right now.
But back to yesterday, Chris got off work around 5 and he called me :D I actually got to talk on the phone with him for more than 5 freaking minutes! That made my night so much happier! It was so amazing to be able to hear his voice and talk to him and tell him about my day :) I haven't actually talked to him for more then 5 minutes since he left so I was very happy! They were suppose to head back to Junction about 7 in the morning if the roads and passes were clear, but of course just my luck, they had 3 Chain Laws in effect over some passes, so after lots of tedious constantly checking to see when they were all lifted, they all finally were about 9 or so :) So his slow bosses finally realized it and they get to head out at noon, which is about 25 minutes from now :) I'm excited to see my babe! I'm jumping with joy inside :)
Today I am also 36 weeks pregnant! That means only 28 days to go, or 4 weeks until my due date! Little Ace is awake right now :) he is moving around and kicking me a little bit, its such an amazing feeling! I'm so stoked to meet him! I can't wait to see when he's going to be here and to see him for the first time and see Chris's expression :) I still haven't packed my hospital bag yet haha, I know I need to but I know that when I actually pack it that I am going to need something inside it so I'm gonna have to dig through it and pull everything out again lol All my friends are talking about how close they're getting and how to make themselves go into labor lol its very exciting, but I think I know what I will do to make myself go into labor.. I have to try all the ideas, that is if he doesn't come early haha. I think Ace is excited as I am to have daddy home, hes a hyper little booger in there!
So anyways back to today and the now... Me and Leanie Bean are watching Resident Evil: Afterlife, we watched the 3rd one earlier so now we have to watch the next one. Haha and I just realized something about this movie, when the big zombie dude breaks down the door and lets the zombies into the building, all the sudden all the entrances are open, now how does that happen? haha So I can handle these movies because I've seen them before but later tonight I'm going to freak out that's how it works with me lol...
Gahh I'm so excited! I can't wait for my babe to get home and for little Ace to get here! Well I'm gonna retire this blog but I'll blog later :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Well here I am once again. I'm so sad I miss Chris so much! Only 2 days to get through then I can give him a big ass hug and never let go! I make it through the days so much easier then the nights, I didn't realize how much I notice his presence next to me until he's not there! I miss him so much :'( I haven't cried yet tonight but I feel some tears coming on... I already said goodnight over text but part of me always wants to send another text saying how much I love and miss him but I don't want to risk waking him up.
So I was tired enough to go to sleep but that didn't last too long. I'm wide awake now :( I might have to go make some tea and milk.. Amazing idea Rose gave me to mix them! I'm watching Netflix right now, Ted is too lol.
Tomorrow I have a home inspection, where our land lady gets to come and tell us if our house is clean enough ha! She will be here anytime between 9am-noon so I'm going to wake up to Chris's good morning txt before he heads to location then try and go back to sleep until 7 then get up and get ready. That is if I ever get to sleep ha. After the inspection I'm going to hang out with my cousin Rose :) idk what we're gonna do but we'll figure it out lol. After that Meni is coming over to hang out and spend the night and stuff until Chris gets home which should be saturday night he said.
Well my original reason for writing this blog was to say how thankful for everyone I have in my life I am. Big thanks to my mom she's always there for me through thick and thin, and she's always a shoulder to cry on when I'm sad. She always knows what to say to make me feel better and I just wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for her :) I love you mom! I'm also thankful for my little sis Melina, she's always so sweet and great company to have around even if all we do is watch tv haha. Love you sis! And I'm thankful for all my friends who offer to pick me up and hang out while Chris is away or even just to talk to me :) it really does help me get through the long week. I feel like I'm literally going insane sometimes when I just sit at home I feel trapped. Cleaning, playing online, texting, watching tv, it all gets so old! Ahh so thank you everyone who is there for me :)
Well I think I'm going to get out of bed, prego lady has to pee, make some tea, and hopefully try and get some sleep wish me luck. 2 days :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just.. Empty...

I hate this feeling! There is just emptiness, I know I keep talking about it but I can't help it. My entire life and surroundings are influenced by it. I feel worthless I can't get up and get motivated to do anything. Why is it like this when he is gone? He isn't even that far, I don't understand. I know he's coming back, but why do I worry so much? I miss him so much, it makes me cry sometimes, and it was like this even before I was pregnant. I even feel like crying now, i feel hopeless. I swear as soon as he gets home I am going to wrap my arms around him and never let go! After Ace is born, I have a feeling they are going to send him to North Dakota. I am wondering if he should find another job in town so he is home every night, even if he doesn't make as much, it would mean we cut back on spending but shoot I think its worth him being home every night! Who knows we'll see how things turn out, all I know is that I want him home. NOW. I can't even listen to music without thinking of him. Not to mention how difficult it is trying to go to sleep with a half empty bed! Sometimes I feel like I miss him more than he misses me. I know he is working and busy but after he gets off I have my phone attached to me and I feel he doesn't care as much as I do, its probably just me but its a feeling that's there. It's just incredibly amazing that man :) I love him so much.

Monday, March 21, 2011


So day #2 without my babe :/ I'm getting along pretty well, miss him like crazy and it was so difficult to sleep, i probably only got 4 or 5 hours. It is insane how much I love him, I thought I knew what love was before I met him, but shit was I wrong. I can't believe we're going to be parents! Crazy haha its going to be fun though, even the rough times. I can't wait to meet Ace! Only like a month to go!
So it is incredibly windy outside, it sounds like Kansas. Hope there isn't a tornado ha, shoot I wouldn't doubt it, the wind is about 37-40 mph right now. The neighbors finally picked up their trash can from the road haha. I am waiting for the mailman, don't ask for some reason I love getting mail even if bills are in it lol its like a mystery to me. I'm weird yes I know.
I downloaded my complete series of True Blood again, I think Chris accidentally deleted it off the old hard drive so I figured I have room on the new one and hes working so I am downloading it again! I watched the very first episode then decided I was going to read some more so I did. I am a little over half way through my book. Its called A Great And Terrible Beauty, by Libba Bray. Its kind of a weird book I still can't decide what the genre is, but for some reason it keeps me reading so that's good. It is back in the time where girls go to school to learn to be proper and suitable to be married. They are expected things out of them, its back when girls wore corsets and lace outfits, and spoke old English. I think that is one of the reasons I like it, that sort of time period was interesting to me for some reason. The main character, Gemma, has these visions so basically this book is starting out with what they mean and the history behind them and stuff like that, there are still two other books in the trilogy so after I finish this one I will probably read those two, these books don't seem as boring as the 100 Cupboards books.
I've been so lazy today and yesterday, I have a couple things I wanted to get done, but I just haven't felt like it :( Its kind of annoying too. I think the weather is playing a role in that though tied to the fact I didn't get very much sleep... Oh well maybe tomorrow or later tonight haha.
I've been thinking about what I am going to do for my career... I wanted to do Computer Programming, but IntelliTec only offers it in Colorado Springs. I could go to Mesa State, but I just don't want to be in debt my whole life, I know its the American thing to do, but I just can't help it I don't want to have a big ass bill that will most likely never get paid off. I want clean credit so I'm not sure, I might have to switch to another career, problem is with the stupid economy the way it is and everything changing in the world, who is to say when I decide and go to school, who's to say that I would even have a job after wards that makes good money?
Ok so one thing that really effing sucks during late pregnancy is the itchy belly!!!!!!!!!!! Its mainly around my bellybutton, and I already have a big nasty stretch mark from where my belly button was peirced, so that pisses me off, and thats where it always itches. Everyone says to take a cold bath and put lotion on, I would probably have to settle for a cold wash cloth because I would die taking a cold bath, I'm not in the Olympics. I heard oatmeal helps too so I gotta try that, I have been using cocoa butter, belly butter, and aloe, it helps for a little while but of course it always comes back :( Oh well.
I can't wait until Chris is back home damn it. Well I think I am going to go read my book some more. TTFN :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cheese & Crackers & a Tear

So right now I pretty much feel empty. Chris left for work this morning at 7, he is going to be in Denver for 4-6 days. I tried to sleep as much as I could to make the time go faster, but one can only get so much sleep. So I finally got up, there is just an empty feeling. Granted he isn't in North Dakota but I can feel that he isn't in town. Somehow I just have that feeling which separates this time from the other times he is working. There is just this quietness to the house, it shouldn't be there. I feel like I'm missing part of myself and I know Ace can tell he is gone too. I hope these days go by fast. Its impressive, you don't actually realize how much you love someone until they are gone for a long period of time. I couldn't imagine what I would do with myself if he weren't in this world. Such things shouldn't be thought about so I'm changing the subject.
I tried to read the second book in the 100 Cupboards trilogy but its finally gotten too slow and I've lost interest, it took a lot out of me but I just took my bookmark and shut the book, so now I am going to try the next trilogy, its called the Gamma Bray Trilogy I believe? Anyways the first book is called "A Great And Terrible Beauty," hopefully its a good one and keeps my damn attention. I wanted to start reading the Maze Runner books but I only have the first book and there is no way I can get out to get the others, so I'll just have to settle and hope this book is good.
Gosh I've been eating cheese and crackers haha. The squeeze cheese out of the can, its different but its actually not bad :)
So holy crap! I'm already 35 weeks and 1 day! It still only feels like its been like two months though being pregnant. So I've only got 4 weeks and 6 days! I still need to pack my hospital bag, I know call me lazy but, well ok I guess I'm lazy and it just hasn't completely set in that I'm having a baby! Its going to be weird to have him out of my tummy, its going to be different not having a little person moving inside my tummy :) I don't know if I'm going to be happy or sad, probably both haha we will see. One thing I sure as hell won't miss is the itchy stomach!!! No amount of lotion, body butter, or bio oil helps it still itches like a banshee, but of course I can't itch it unless I want horrible stretch marks. I already have one stretch mark from where my belly button piercing used to be, that makes me sad, I hope it doesn't look to bad when I get my tummy back in shape, but if it does then well I guess that's my mark of pregnancy :)
GRR I'm so tempted to text him and tell him how much I miss him, but he is working so I don't want to bug him :( I can't wait until he is off and is able to call me, that is one of the things I always look forward to :)
Well I think I am going to try this book and see how it turns out, wish me luck. TTYL Cheese & Crackas :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Suppose To Be 70 Today :)

Good afternoon everybody! So today the weather is really really nice :) Its suppose to be a high of 70 today! I'm so glad its starting to warm up, this cold crappy weather has really been getting to me, if I could go snowboarding and move around easier and stay warm then it wouldn't bug me lol So I am waiting for Spring, which officially starts the 20th!!
I can't believe its only like a month and one week until Ace's due date! I haven't even packed my hospital bag, and I'm still deciding how to rearrange his room. Part of me hasn't realized that I'm actually having a baby but yet I have, sounds weird but I don't think it will actually set in that I'm a mommy until I see his little face, and toes, and hands :) I can't wait to see his smile! I'm so excited to see how Chris is going to react too! He said he might cry, hell I know I'm going to cry, I've never seen him cry before so if he does it will really be special because I will realize how much he loves his son :) So hopefully he cries haha. Part of the reason I haven't packed my hospital bag is because I'm still not sure how much weight or like what clothes I will fit into, and who knows how big or little Mr. Ace is going to be, so I don't know if I should grab a couple outfits or what lol I've been giving it some thought... Shoot that little man has more clothes than I do, his dresser is full and we bought 40 hangars which only went through half the clothes hanging in his closet, so we had to get more hangars. It makes me wonder if he's going to be able to where every outfit before he gets too big. We will see.
Sometimes it sucks but since Chris knows a lot about vehicles and stuff, everybody and their grandma asks him to fix or tell them whats wrong with their vehicle, or put in a stereo, or something. Its nice because he can help, but a couple of people abuse the power because he doesn't like telling people no. Unless he is working he will most likely help, but that bites us in the ass because we end up staying up until like 2 or 3 in the morning finishing fixing stuff, part of the fact because the people who ask his help don't even get over to our house until late at night! They need to at least have the freaking decency to be on time! So anyways, last night he helped Randy, which turned into a 2 am job. I know everybody always tells me I should just go to bed, but I would rather wait until he is finished so I can fall asleep easier, I don't like falling asleep without him if I don't have to. Its a personal choice.
So right now Chris is helping his cousin Jimmy with his truck, he said it shouldn't take too long so that's good. After he is finished, we have to run a couple errands. One of which includes turning in my brother's application for CalFrac, I am excited to see if he gets a job with them, it would make his life so much easier. Just because of the fact that they would fly him to location and give him a place to stay on location. That cuts a ton of money he doesn't have to spend from his paycheck, and would make it a lot easier to save up money for the house him and Christine want to buy. I'm pretty sure he will get a job, Chris is going to talk to a certain supervisor who you can tell definitely likes him. Chris probably wouldn't have a job if it weren't for him. Well he would but not as quick.
Ace is hyper right now :) This morning he was kicking me on the backside of my rib, it was really weird and it kinda hurt, it was an interesting experience though. Well there goes all my energy, I am once again tired. Yet I woke up like two hours ago. Sheesh. I think I'm done blogging for now, will probably be on later. TaTaForNow :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Post Dated Checks.

So about two months ago, we sold our van to Melina's best friend's mother. She gave us 5 post dated checks for $100. So the first two went alright, but now we deposited the third on on the 9th and now it bounced, great right. Now were tight on money again I guess buying stuff from Walmart kinda screwed us over. Well I guess her mother got fired, so that's why it bounced. So we tried contacting them, it didn't look well for a few hours, but finally her daughter text me and said they will pay us 100 Wednesday and the rest when they receive unemployment, I just hope they are telling the truth and will hold faithful. We shall see. I'm just glad nothing had to get ugly.. at least not yet.
Well we went down and found a cheaper insurance company today, thank goodness! With Progressive we would've been paying 150 a month or like almost 600 for six months, but we switched to Viking which we now only have to pay 75 a month, and 260 for 6 months! I am exempt so that kind of sucks, at least until I want to drive, which means I can't even practice driving now, well I'm not sure if I can or not. I might check into that, because if Chris is in the vehicle i don't know if it changes it or not, eh oh well. If we can next month we're going to pay the 6 months and just get it out of the way, then hopefully pay off court fines, and soon pay off the TV.
So I just felt like writing a little blog, I think I'm done for now, maybe later. TA TA :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So I was going to say this last night but I was too tired. We went to Wally World for three things. Milk, Tea, and dryer sheets. So of course when we actually end up leaving we spent almost 100 bucks. This happens every freaking time we go to the store. I don't think its possible for us to spend less than 50 bucks for a trip to the store.
Anyways, I found this smoothie thing in the ice cream section, you just add milk and stir, its weird but not bad. Its from Dryers I believe. We've been cleaning the house all day, its been nice, I've almost got all Ace's clothes and blankets washed, I just need to vacuum and finish the rest of the house haha. We are watching Bobby's World right now. I absolutely love that show! It pisses me off I can't download it or watch it on regular TV :( Too old I guess. We're taking a little break before we go run a couple errands. We need to get some little hangers for Ace, his dresser is almost full.... and then we found this music thing that has nature sounds and a moms heartbeat, we were gonna get it but decided against it, but now we have to go back and get it :) lol
After we finish setting up his room I will take pictures. We still need to get some kids posters or stuff for the walls, a bookshelf, and some type of chair I can sit in. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to find those.
We got a new PS3 for the living room too, we were sick of having to unhook and carry the other one from the bedroom to living room and bedroom again. Chris got the package that came with his game, KillZone 3, so he has a new game :) I think he likes it. I am still deciding if I want to get Little Big Planet 2 or not, if the online playing is better than the first one I might get it but I'm not sure yet. I'm in no hurry.
I'm trying to think of where we can find some little kid posters for his room, because we don't want to paint it but now the walls are so bare and that's just not going to do. Well I think I'm going to do some research on that. For now :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Trying To Blog When I'm About To Fall Asleep ha.

Haven't blogged in a while, I've been hella busy. Lets see the last time I wrote was almost a week ago so I have a lot of catching up to do. So the last time I wrote was right after the baby shower.
I took my GED test, it was rainy the day I did it. I passed with flying colors :) When I went in the morning we started with math, then took the writing portion. I did the best on those two tests. Then we had a lunch and came back and took the science, social studies, and reading portions. The minimum score in order to pass the test is 2250, I scored a 2960. I am very happy with my score! I received all my official paperwork today so yay I have my GED or transcript lol
Monday night, after I finished my test, we packed up our things and headed to Evans, to visit Ted and Christine. We arrived at about 11pm. It was nice to see them after so long and for them to meet Chris and for Luwana and Brian to meet him also. We ate at IHOP, played on the PS3, of course talked, and we had a pretty good time. It was nice for everyone to finally meet each other! Chris is trying to get Ted on with CalFrac so he doesn't have to pay for his own cost of living.
I am having trouble concentrating on blogging so it might end quick haha. Anyways we got Ace a crib set, which has a crib, dresser, and changing table. They are so awesome! We also found him a Mossy Oak camouflage crib bedding set, and we bought him some clothes. Our plan was to go window shopping but of course we ended up actually shopping haha. Which is fine with me I was wondering if we were ever going to get a crib. So when we got home we set everything up, and brought all the gifts from the baby shower into his room, which were still behind the couch because we didn't have anywhere to put it but now we do :)
As you know I requested a bunch of books from the library, however I am still not even half way through the first one, I think its because Chris is off work so we actually do stuff instead of me sitting at home being bored and reading. Good thing I can renew the books so I can still read them.
My grandma called me today, I wasn't expecting it at all, I've only met her one time, she is very sweet though I hope to see her again soon, but with gas prices it might be tough. It was nice to hear from her other than letters back and forth.
I wonder when this nesting thing is really gonna set in because I have NO energy! I am soo tired all the time. I want to clean the house and get ready and pack my hospital bag but I don't have any energy sheesh.
We finally got Chris to the dentist, he needs some work on his teeth, so hopefully next month we can get that started and fixed.
Well I really can't think of what else to write, probably because I am getting a tired wave but if I think of something else maybe I'll get on here and write, that is if I find enough time and energy. I think its naptime. :) 34 weeks, 6 to go... :D

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Busy Busy Busy.

So wow am I tired. Today was a busy day. Kirsten stayed the night last night. We figured she didn't want to stay at my mom's with the kiddos and no one her age. We took her out to dinner, Tequilas, and there enchiladas are so yummy not to mention their chips and dip! Then this morning I woke up and started cleaning the house. Christine text and let me know they weren't going to make it to the baby shower incase roads were closed because of the weather and Ted not being able to get to work. So we decided that we would head out there and visit. So after I take my GED test tomorrow we will head out.
The baby shower was pretty good, pretty stressful but good. I felt like I wasn't giving everyone enough attention I felt like I was neglecting everybody. I really didn't have any plans on games or anything like that because I wasn't sure how many people were coming or even when so it would have just made it hard. So when almost everyone got here we just talked then opened gifts and ate cake :) The cake was yummy! We got lots of good stuff for Ace! Lots of diapers, wipes, shampoos and lotions, clothes, blankets, some cute shoes (a pair of crocs and these adorable cowboy/camo/work boot looking things), a baby bath, a baby rocker, and some other good stuff :) Now all we need is a stroller, crib, car seat, sheets, and some more stuff and we will be set.
I finally got my new external hard drive formatted right so the PS3 will read it! Now i have an extra TB of memory :) plenty of room for videos and pictures of Ace :)
Today Chris told me its setting in more that we actually having a baby, I realized that he is right, it is setting in more and more. I think once I actually push him out then we will look and say OMG we have a baby! LOL. I'm so glad I can count on him when I need him, its such a relief.
So tomorrow is the big GED test. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. Maybe not for the tests them self but for the staying awake to take them all. Then during my lunch break in between all the tests, I have to call and reschedule Chris's dentist appointment and my doctors appointment. That way we have extra time incase we do for some reason get stuck up in Evans, but I doubt we will, still is better to be safe than sorry. I am so nervous for those tests! I am extremely tired from the day but yet so nervous that I can't actually sleep yet, but then again that's what happened to me in middle and high school before tests and I usually did fine on them, so I'm worried, but I'm not. Eh I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I got a big giant stack of books from the library, and I've only started one, I've just been so busy I hope this doesn't affect my reading roll. Uhg I am craving those stinkin enchiladas that I had last night, cravings definitely such because they steal all my thoughts and I can't eat anything else!
I have lots of cake leftover :) I have an entire cake, plus 1 quarter of the other one :) But that's not a worry to me, I will probably have it eaten quick :) That will help with me gaining weight too! Should have gained two stinking pounds this week, but it keeps fluctuating, I gain then loose. Guess we will find out at the next doctors appointment... until then I'll just eat that cake :) and drink juice! lol
Holy cow am I tired! I didn't have my nap today haha tomorrow after my test I bet I sleep part the way to Evans. Well I guess I will find something to eat... maybe... then perhaps try to get at least some sleep for that test.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Should Be Sleeping.

So I can't sleep. I've been laying here for an hour staring into the darkness and thinking. I can't get tired again! If I would have laid down two hours ago I would be sleeping but no. Chris is already asleep too and he has to work so I don't want to wake him up trying to cuddle. Its always so much easier to fall asleep if he has him arm over my side or holding my hand you know those small gestures that happen even when you're half asleep :) Maybe he will wake up and reposition haha yeah right. Once he's out he's out for good, usually anyways. Wait hey look he moved! Only problem is further away! You know I never realized how loud the keys on my phone are until its like dead quiet. I had to unplug the freaking power cord to the tv because it keeps whining!(That high pitched whine that annoying kids use as there ringtone cuz apparently old people can't hear it) ha! Man I really wish I had a book to read right now, those library ones I requested better come in fast! Another annoying thing I keep running into is right as I get comfortable then I have to either pee or I have an itch. Itching is terrible because it means I have to move out of my position to itch for a short moment and then take all the time getting comfy again! Why is sleeping so difficult? So tomorrow I get to clean the house and get ready for the shower yay :) you know what if its a little unorganized so be it we don't have as much storage as I need... I need another filing cabinet too much paperwork. Then I need something for all my puzzles and games and stuff. Then we need something for all the misselanious electrial cords and stuff. So much stuff! Uhg my arms and fingers are getting tired, maybe ill give this sleeping thing another cracK typing on a phone for almost an hour tends to tire me out..hopefully enough! TTYL! :)PS sorry for any misspelled words I don't have spell check on my fone

Nerves On The Rise.

So as time approaches my nerves grow worse and worse. I am kind of scared to take my GED tests now. I mean everyday I sleep in until like 10am, then get up get ready for the day, but I still end up taking like a 1-2 hour nap everyday whether I want to or not. This makes me wonder if I am going to be able to make it through the entire day taking tests without getting tired and losing my train of though during the tests or fall asleep or something. Of course the pregnancy doesn't make it any easier on the nerve part I'm probably going to be fine but still it just makes me think. I'm wondering how much harder the tests are going to be because I haven't been studying school stuff very much for a while, and I'm just not as quick as I was, have i lost any necessary skills? Eh who knows, it just makes me very stressed and nervous. I know when I actually go and start taking the tests the nerves will calm a bit and then it will be even worse when I find out my scores. Call me paranoid, no just call me pregnant haha.
Ahh I'm so excited for the baby shower! Shannon and Kirsten are coming down tomorrow :) I can't wait to see how big Shannon's belly is! I'm wondering what we are going to do at the baby shower I don't have a game plan just kind of come, talk, hang out, eat cake, and yeah haha so we will see.
So I finished all the books from my last library visit, the last book was called, The Light-Bearers Daughter, by OR Melling. I requested a bunch of other books from the library so now I just have to wait for them to all come in. I requested a couple series. First series is called 100 Cupboards, its about a kid who finds a bunch of doors on his wall and they all go to different worlds or something so that sounded really interesting though I would try it so I requested the first 3 books. I requested the Gemma Doyla Trilogy, not sure exactly what its about but I keep hearing its good so thought I would give it a try. And then last of all I requested The Maze Trilogy which is about well i don't exactly know that one either lol, it sounded good when I read the synopsis lol. I hope they are there tomorrow but I know that might be a little too soon... We will see, I just feel eerie because I don't have a book to read!
I hope I have some freaking energy tomorrow so I can clean the damn house and get it ready for the shower. I hope we get a crib soon and some furniture for Ace's room because I'm so far from being able to imagine what its going to look like when hes actually here and has his own room. Well I guess that's the point I just have to wait and see, such as life right. Of course I'm tired again so I'm going to finish up this blog for the night, take a bath, and get some rest, too bad I don't have a book to read :'(

Goodnight :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Random Text.

So today I am just sitting on the couch, reading my book and my phone goes off. Chris text me out of the blue and said he loves me :) That little text, or thought, made my day so great. It made me smile and almost want to cry. He told me he has service on his location today, but it just made me happy that he thought of me :) I love that man so much!!
So I am pretty happy I have been able to read more books without losing focus! Since my last visit to the library I have read: The Search for WondLa, The Found, The Sent, and I am now almost finished reading The House on the Gulf. I have one other book to read, then hopefully I can make another trip to the library and have as much luck finding good books as I have this last time. I wonder how much time I will have to read when Ace is born, I mean I still have to have some time considering I'm going to be at home most of the time since I don't have a license yet or car or job. That is in a way a relief that I don't have to leave him to go back to work right away, but I do need to bust my butt and get my license, I drove the other day but I still need some more practice. Then we still need to fix the transmission in the Chevy so we will each have a vehicle. (That or just sell it and buy another vehicle, or bring up the Red Truck)
So tomorrow Kayla and Whitney invited me to hang out with them at Highline Lake, they plan on heading out there around 12 and leaving about 6. I really want to go so depending on what plans are tomorrow we shall see. It gives me a chance to use my new camera :D
So my mom ordered the cakes for the baby shower today! She got two cakes, because we are expecting anywhere from 26-40 people at the shower so we figured better safe than sorry. I am excited to see the theme she picked out for the cakes, she said I'm gonna love it, which I am sure I will!!! I'm amazed how much the cakes costed though! I don't know if its because of the type of cake or the designs but I sorta feel bad I mean they were like 40 bucks per cake! I am excited though!! But it just brings me back to feeling guilty that I wanted a certain kind of cake and that it costed so much. :( I really need to get over that, she wanted to help.
Anyways! I sure hope we have enough parking for the shower I mean shoot if there is going to be that many people I wonder where they're all going to park... then again we always have the block and across the street, there are a lot of vacant properties around the neighborhood so we could kinda "rent" the driveway for a little bit haha.
Well I think I'm going to try and finish this book before Chris gets home so I can start the next one and then request my new list of books from the library :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In Witch The Couch Sprouts Legs

Hello blog! I am pretty happy right now, not sure why but that doesn't matter haha! So today we got our couch some legs... 53 bucks later and they're standing about 4-6 inches higher and man are they easier to sit down and get up from! They are much more comfortable too. I'd have to say it almost gives the living room a better vibe, weird but true.
So pizza is for dinner. Freschetta pepperoni to be exact, in about 16 minutes :)
Right now I'm of course blogging, and watching Chris play COD black ops. Last time I tried to play that game, I epically failed, I guess I need more practice or its just not for me. I wish stupid PS3 would come out with a Kingdom Hearts game! I would play the crap out of it, those are my absolute favorite games of course only on PS2 which I don't play anymore because PS3 is just better. Plus I already beat the first two games on PS2 and I don't have the rest. I like Little Big Planet too, but Chris started playing and beating the levels with me so its just weird to play it alone and online gets boring because there isn't enough new levels that are interesting.
So ahh the baby shower is approaching quick! It seems like yesterday I was still collecting addresses and deciding when to actually have it. I was thinking of cakes and deciding what kind of cake to have at it, and I immediately thought of this one type of cake my cousin in law had for her birthday and I fell in love, but of course with the way life is no one knew what the kind of cake was called. So after a few hours of googleing and having no luck finding the name, I finally decided to call the City Market Bakery and just ask. So turns out its called a Tres Leches cake. Which of course being me I Google it for images and recipes... I found out that it is a Mexican style cake, which is weird, but true. It is an ordinary cake batter, however at the end they mix condensed milk, evaporated milk, and heavy cream together and pour it over the cooled baked cake and let it soak up the juices, then they use whipped cream "icing" to finish it off. One word, AHmazing, at least to me. I guess Tres Leches actually means "Three Milks, or Three Creams" I found that interesting. My friends, Kirsten and Shannon (her mother), live all the way in Durango, but guess what they're going to make it to the shower! I am thrilled! My old best friend Makaylah and her mother are also going to make it which is a surprise but I am very excited I haven't seen them in quite a while. I think the shower will turn out great, I hope.
This week is going to be kinda busy, which I'm not sure I think is a good or bad thing yet. Baby shower, then the next morning bright and early I get to take my GED tests, then Wednesday a doctors appointment to check on Ace, then the 11th we get to register at the hospital, I'm excited about everything! Just still nervous about taking those GED tests, I know I will pass just the part about it being a big test is the part that makes me nervous lol.
Woo pizza is done, and yes I know what you're thinking 16 minutes of blogging wow lol well that's me when I blog I usually talk about everything on my mind not usually just one subject. So watching Spongebob, eating pizza, and I think I am going to retire this blog I'll probably write tomorrow if not then TTFN.