Monday, March 21, 2011


So day #2 without my babe :/ I'm getting along pretty well, miss him like crazy and it was so difficult to sleep, i probably only got 4 or 5 hours. It is insane how much I love him, I thought I knew what love was before I met him, but shit was I wrong. I can't believe we're going to be parents! Crazy haha its going to be fun though, even the rough times. I can't wait to meet Ace! Only like a month to go!
So it is incredibly windy outside, it sounds like Kansas. Hope there isn't a tornado ha, shoot I wouldn't doubt it, the wind is about 37-40 mph right now. The neighbors finally picked up their trash can from the road haha. I am waiting for the mailman, don't ask for some reason I love getting mail even if bills are in it lol its like a mystery to me. I'm weird yes I know.
I downloaded my complete series of True Blood again, I think Chris accidentally deleted it off the old hard drive so I figured I have room on the new one and hes working so I am downloading it again! I watched the very first episode then decided I was going to read some more so I did. I am a little over half way through my book. Its called A Great And Terrible Beauty, by Libba Bray. Its kind of a weird book I still can't decide what the genre is, but for some reason it keeps me reading so that's good. It is back in the time where girls go to school to learn to be proper and suitable to be married. They are expected things out of them, its back when girls wore corsets and lace outfits, and spoke old English. I think that is one of the reasons I like it, that sort of time period was interesting to me for some reason. The main character, Gemma, has these visions so basically this book is starting out with what they mean and the history behind them and stuff like that, there are still two other books in the trilogy so after I finish this one I will probably read those two, these books don't seem as boring as the 100 Cupboards books.
I've been so lazy today and yesterday, I have a couple things I wanted to get done, but I just haven't felt like it :( Its kind of annoying too. I think the weather is playing a role in that though tied to the fact I didn't get very much sleep... Oh well maybe tomorrow or later tonight haha.
I've been thinking about what I am going to do for my career... I wanted to do Computer Programming, but IntelliTec only offers it in Colorado Springs. I could go to Mesa State, but I just don't want to be in debt my whole life, I know its the American thing to do, but I just can't help it I don't want to have a big ass bill that will most likely never get paid off. I want clean credit so I'm not sure, I might have to switch to another career, problem is with the stupid economy the way it is and everything changing in the world, who is to say when I decide and go to school, who's to say that I would even have a job after wards that makes good money?
Ok so one thing that really effing sucks during late pregnancy is the itchy belly!!!!!!!!!!! Its mainly around my bellybutton, and I already have a big nasty stretch mark from where my belly button was peirced, so that pisses me off, and thats where it always itches. Everyone says to take a cold bath and put lotion on, I would probably have to settle for a cold wash cloth because I would die taking a cold bath, I'm not in the Olympics. I heard oatmeal helps too so I gotta try that, I have been using cocoa butter, belly butter, and aloe, it helps for a little while but of course it always comes back :( Oh well.
I can't wait until Chris is back home damn it. Well I think I am going to go read my book some more. TTFN :)

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