Saturday, March 26, 2011

Zombies... Fine Now But gonna Hate It Later...

So yesterday was a pretty good day, I had a home inspection which went well, then I just played around with the computers and stuff. After that Rose came over and picked me up so us and Hunter went and walked around the mall for a little while, then came back to my house, ate some lunch and watched Mulan. Then my mom sister and brother came over, they brought pizza and a movie :) Then Meni stayed the night, were watching Resident Evil: Afterlife right now.
But back to yesterday, Chris got off work around 5 and he called me :D I actually got to talk on the phone with him for more than 5 freaking minutes! That made my night so much happier! It was so amazing to be able to hear his voice and talk to him and tell him about my day :) I haven't actually talked to him for more then 5 minutes since he left so I was very happy! They were suppose to head back to Junction about 7 in the morning if the roads and passes were clear, but of course just my luck, they had 3 Chain Laws in effect over some passes, so after lots of tedious constantly checking to see when they were all lifted, they all finally were about 9 or so :) So his slow bosses finally realized it and they get to head out at noon, which is about 25 minutes from now :) I'm excited to see my babe! I'm jumping with joy inside :)
Today I am also 36 weeks pregnant! That means only 28 days to go, or 4 weeks until my due date! Little Ace is awake right now :) he is moving around and kicking me a little bit, its such an amazing feeling! I'm so stoked to meet him! I can't wait to see when he's going to be here and to see him for the first time and see Chris's expression :) I still haven't packed my hospital bag yet haha, I know I need to but I know that when I actually pack it that I am going to need something inside it so I'm gonna have to dig through it and pull everything out again lol All my friends are talking about how close they're getting and how to make themselves go into labor lol its very exciting, but I think I know what I will do to make myself go into labor.. I have to try all the ideas, that is if he doesn't come early haha. I think Ace is excited as I am to have daddy home, hes a hyper little booger in there!
So anyways back to today and the now... Me and Leanie Bean are watching Resident Evil: Afterlife, we watched the 3rd one earlier so now we have to watch the next one. Haha and I just realized something about this movie, when the big zombie dude breaks down the door and lets the zombies into the building, all the sudden all the entrances are open, now how does that happen? haha So I can handle these movies because I've seen them before but later tonight I'm going to freak out that's how it works with me lol...
Gahh I'm so excited! I can't wait for my babe to get home and for little Ace to get here! Well I'm gonna retire this blog but I'll blog later :)

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