Sunday, March 6, 2011

Busy Busy Busy.

So wow am I tired. Today was a busy day. Kirsten stayed the night last night. We figured she didn't want to stay at my mom's with the kiddos and no one her age. We took her out to dinner, Tequilas, and there enchiladas are so yummy not to mention their chips and dip! Then this morning I woke up and started cleaning the house. Christine text and let me know they weren't going to make it to the baby shower incase roads were closed because of the weather and Ted not being able to get to work. So we decided that we would head out there and visit. So after I take my GED test tomorrow we will head out.
The baby shower was pretty good, pretty stressful but good. I felt like I wasn't giving everyone enough attention I felt like I was neglecting everybody. I really didn't have any plans on games or anything like that because I wasn't sure how many people were coming or even when so it would have just made it hard. So when almost everyone got here we just talked then opened gifts and ate cake :) The cake was yummy! We got lots of good stuff for Ace! Lots of diapers, wipes, shampoos and lotions, clothes, blankets, some cute shoes (a pair of crocs and these adorable cowboy/camo/work boot looking things), a baby bath, a baby rocker, and some other good stuff :) Now all we need is a stroller, crib, car seat, sheets, and some more stuff and we will be set.
I finally got my new external hard drive formatted right so the PS3 will read it! Now i have an extra TB of memory :) plenty of room for videos and pictures of Ace :)
Today Chris told me its setting in more that we actually having a baby, I realized that he is right, it is setting in more and more. I think once I actually push him out then we will look and say OMG we have a baby! LOL. I'm so glad I can count on him when I need him, its such a relief.
So tomorrow is the big GED test. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. Maybe not for the tests them self but for the staying awake to take them all. Then during my lunch break in between all the tests, I have to call and reschedule Chris's dentist appointment and my doctors appointment. That way we have extra time incase we do for some reason get stuck up in Evans, but I doubt we will, still is better to be safe than sorry. I am so nervous for those tests! I am extremely tired from the day but yet so nervous that I can't actually sleep yet, but then again that's what happened to me in middle and high school before tests and I usually did fine on them, so I'm worried, but I'm not. Eh I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I got a big giant stack of books from the library, and I've only started one, I've just been so busy I hope this doesn't affect my reading roll. Uhg I am craving those stinkin enchiladas that I had last night, cravings definitely such because they steal all my thoughts and I can't eat anything else!
I have lots of cake leftover :) I have an entire cake, plus 1 quarter of the other one :) But that's not a worry to me, I will probably have it eaten quick :) That will help with me gaining weight too! Should have gained two stinking pounds this week, but it keeps fluctuating, I gain then loose. Guess we will find out at the next doctors appointment... until then I'll just eat that cake :) and drink juice! lol
Holy cow am I tired! I didn't have my nap today haha tomorrow after my test I bet I sleep part the way to Evans. Well I guess I will find something to eat... maybe... then perhaps try to get at least some sleep for that test.

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