Friday, March 4, 2011

Should Be Sleeping.

So I can't sleep. I've been laying here for an hour staring into the darkness and thinking. I can't get tired again! If I would have laid down two hours ago I would be sleeping but no. Chris is already asleep too and he has to work so I don't want to wake him up trying to cuddle. Its always so much easier to fall asleep if he has him arm over my side or holding my hand you know those small gestures that happen even when you're half asleep :) Maybe he will wake up and reposition haha yeah right. Once he's out he's out for good, usually anyways. Wait hey look he moved! Only problem is further away! You know I never realized how loud the keys on my phone are until its like dead quiet. I had to unplug the freaking power cord to the tv because it keeps whining!(That high pitched whine that annoying kids use as there ringtone cuz apparently old people can't hear it) ha! Man I really wish I had a book to read right now, those library ones I requested better come in fast! Another annoying thing I keep running into is right as I get comfortable then I have to either pee or I have an itch. Itching is terrible because it means I have to move out of my position to itch for a short moment and then take all the time getting comfy again! Why is sleeping so difficult? So tomorrow I get to clean the house and get ready for the shower yay :) you know what if its a little unorganized so be it we don't have as much storage as I need... I need another filing cabinet too much paperwork. Then I need something for all my puzzles and games and stuff. Then we need something for all the misselanious electrial cords and stuff. So much stuff! Uhg my arms and fingers are getting tired, maybe ill give this sleeping thing another cracK typing on a phone for almost an hour tends to tire me out..hopefully enough! TTYL! :)PS sorry for any misspelled words I don't have spell check on my fone

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