Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Suppose To Be 70 Today :)

Good afternoon everybody! So today the weather is really really nice :) Its suppose to be a high of 70 today! I'm so glad its starting to warm up, this cold crappy weather has really been getting to me, if I could go snowboarding and move around easier and stay warm then it wouldn't bug me lol So I am waiting for Spring, which officially starts the 20th!!
I can't believe its only like a month and one week until Ace's due date! I haven't even packed my hospital bag, and I'm still deciding how to rearrange his room. Part of me hasn't realized that I'm actually having a baby but yet I have, sounds weird but I don't think it will actually set in that I'm a mommy until I see his little face, and toes, and hands :) I can't wait to see his smile! I'm so excited to see how Chris is going to react too! He said he might cry, hell I know I'm going to cry, I've never seen him cry before so if he does it will really be special because I will realize how much he loves his son :) So hopefully he cries haha. Part of the reason I haven't packed my hospital bag is because I'm still not sure how much weight or like what clothes I will fit into, and who knows how big or little Mr. Ace is going to be, so I don't know if I should grab a couple outfits or what lol I've been giving it some thought... Shoot that little man has more clothes than I do, his dresser is full and we bought 40 hangars which only went through half the clothes hanging in his closet, so we had to get more hangars. It makes me wonder if he's going to be able to where every outfit before he gets too big. We will see.
Sometimes it sucks but since Chris knows a lot about vehicles and stuff, everybody and their grandma asks him to fix or tell them whats wrong with their vehicle, or put in a stereo, or something. Its nice because he can help, but a couple of people abuse the power because he doesn't like telling people no. Unless he is working he will most likely help, but that bites us in the ass because we end up staying up until like 2 or 3 in the morning finishing fixing stuff, part of the fact because the people who ask his help don't even get over to our house until late at night! They need to at least have the freaking decency to be on time! So anyways, last night he helped Randy, which turned into a 2 am job. I know everybody always tells me I should just go to bed, but I would rather wait until he is finished so I can fall asleep easier, I don't like falling asleep without him if I don't have to. Its a personal choice.
So right now Chris is helping his cousin Jimmy with his truck, he said it shouldn't take too long so that's good. After he is finished, we have to run a couple errands. One of which includes turning in my brother's application for CalFrac, I am excited to see if he gets a job with them, it would make his life so much easier. Just because of the fact that they would fly him to location and give him a place to stay on location. That cuts a ton of money he doesn't have to spend from his paycheck, and would make it a lot easier to save up money for the house him and Christine want to buy. I'm pretty sure he will get a job, Chris is going to talk to a certain supervisor who you can tell definitely likes him. Chris probably wouldn't have a job if it weren't for him. Well he would but not as quick.
Ace is hyper right now :) This morning he was kicking me on the backside of my rib, it was really weird and it kinda hurt, it was an interesting experience though. Well there goes all my energy, I am once again tired. Yet I woke up like two hours ago. Sheesh. I think I'm done blogging for now, will probably be on later. TaTaForNow :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay hopefully he gets the job =) That would be awesome. That sucks that everyone takes advantage of Chris' kindness. He shold learn to say no or at least say no when they show up so late. It should be either show up on time or dont get the work done until they can come at a decent hour.
