Thursday, March 24, 2011


Well here I am once again. I'm so sad I miss Chris so much! Only 2 days to get through then I can give him a big ass hug and never let go! I make it through the days so much easier then the nights, I didn't realize how much I notice his presence next to me until he's not there! I miss him so much :'( I haven't cried yet tonight but I feel some tears coming on... I already said goodnight over text but part of me always wants to send another text saying how much I love and miss him but I don't want to risk waking him up.
So I was tired enough to go to sleep but that didn't last too long. I'm wide awake now :( I might have to go make some tea and milk.. Amazing idea Rose gave me to mix them! I'm watching Netflix right now, Ted is too lol.
Tomorrow I have a home inspection, where our land lady gets to come and tell us if our house is clean enough ha! She will be here anytime between 9am-noon so I'm going to wake up to Chris's good morning txt before he heads to location then try and go back to sleep until 7 then get up and get ready. That is if I ever get to sleep ha. After the inspection I'm going to hang out with my cousin Rose :) idk what we're gonna do but we'll figure it out lol. After that Meni is coming over to hang out and spend the night and stuff until Chris gets home which should be saturday night he said.
Well my original reason for writing this blog was to say how thankful for everyone I have in my life I am. Big thanks to my mom she's always there for me through thick and thin, and she's always a shoulder to cry on when I'm sad. She always knows what to say to make me feel better and I just wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for her :) I love you mom! I'm also thankful for my little sis Melina, she's always so sweet and great company to have around even if all we do is watch tv haha. Love you sis! And I'm thankful for all my friends who offer to pick me up and hang out while Chris is away or even just to talk to me :) it really does help me get through the long week. I feel like I'm literally going insane sometimes when I just sit at home I feel trapped. Cleaning, playing online, texting, watching tv, it all gets so old! Ahh so thank you everyone who is there for me :)
Well I think I'm going to get out of bed, prego lady has to pee, make some tea, and hopefully try and get some sleep wish me luck. 2 days :)

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