Friday, March 4, 2011

Nerves On The Rise.

So as time approaches my nerves grow worse and worse. I am kind of scared to take my GED tests now. I mean everyday I sleep in until like 10am, then get up get ready for the day, but I still end up taking like a 1-2 hour nap everyday whether I want to or not. This makes me wonder if I am going to be able to make it through the entire day taking tests without getting tired and losing my train of though during the tests or fall asleep or something. Of course the pregnancy doesn't make it any easier on the nerve part I'm probably going to be fine but still it just makes me think. I'm wondering how much harder the tests are going to be because I haven't been studying school stuff very much for a while, and I'm just not as quick as I was, have i lost any necessary skills? Eh who knows, it just makes me very stressed and nervous. I know when I actually go and start taking the tests the nerves will calm a bit and then it will be even worse when I find out my scores. Call me paranoid, no just call me pregnant haha.
Ahh I'm so excited for the baby shower! Shannon and Kirsten are coming down tomorrow :) I can't wait to see how big Shannon's belly is! I'm wondering what we are going to do at the baby shower I don't have a game plan just kind of come, talk, hang out, eat cake, and yeah haha so we will see.
So I finished all the books from my last library visit, the last book was called, The Light-Bearers Daughter, by OR Melling. I requested a bunch of other books from the library so now I just have to wait for them to all come in. I requested a couple series. First series is called 100 Cupboards, its about a kid who finds a bunch of doors on his wall and they all go to different worlds or something so that sounded really interesting though I would try it so I requested the first 3 books. I requested the Gemma Doyla Trilogy, not sure exactly what its about but I keep hearing its good so thought I would give it a try. And then last of all I requested The Maze Trilogy which is about well i don't exactly know that one either lol, it sounded good when I read the synopsis lol. I hope they are there tomorrow but I know that might be a little too soon... We will see, I just feel eerie because I don't have a book to read!
I hope I have some freaking energy tomorrow so I can clean the damn house and get it ready for the shower. I hope we get a crib soon and some furniture for Ace's room because I'm so far from being able to imagine what its going to look like when hes actually here and has his own room. Well I guess that's the point I just have to wait and see, such as life right. Of course I'm tired again so I'm going to finish up this blog for the night, take a bath, and get some rest, too bad I don't have a book to read :'(

Goodnight :)

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