Saturday, March 12, 2011

Trying To Blog When I'm About To Fall Asleep ha.

Haven't blogged in a while, I've been hella busy. Lets see the last time I wrote was almost a week ago so I have a lot of catching up to do. So the last time I wrote was right after the baby shower.
I took my GED test, it was rainy the day I did it. I passed with flying colors :) When I went in the morning we started with math, then took the writing portion. I did the best on those two tests. Then we had a lunch and came back and took the science, social studies, and reading portions. The minimum score in order to pass the test is 2250, I scored a 2960. I am very happy with my score! I received all my official paperwork today so yay I have my GED or transcript lol
Monday night, after I finished my test, we packed up our things and headed to Evans, to visit Ted and Christine. We arrived at about 11pm. It was nice to see them after so long and for them to meet Chris and for Luwana and Brian to meet him also. We ate at IHOP, played on the PS3, of course talked, and we had a pretty good time. It was nice for everyone to finally meet each other! Chris is trying to get Ted on with CalFrac so he doesn't have to pay for his own cost of living.
I am having trouble concentrating on blogging so it might end quick haha. Anyways we got Ace a crib set, which has a crib, dresser, and changing table. They are so awesome! We also found him a Mossy Oak camouflage crib bedding set, and we bought him some clothes. Our plan was to go window shopping but of course we ended up actually shopping haha. Which is fine with me I was wondering if we were ever going to get a crib. So when we got home we set everything up, and brought all the gifts from the baby shower into his room, which were still behind the couch because we didn't have anywhere to put it but now we do :)
As you know I requested a bunch of books from the library, however I am still not even half way through the first one, I think its because Chris is off work so we actually do stuff instead of me sitting at home being bored and reading. Good thing I can renew the books so I can still read them.
My grandma called me today, I wasn't expecting it at all, I've only met her one time, she is very sweet though I hope to see her again soon, but with gas prices it might be tough. It was nice to hear from her other than letters back and forth.
I wonder when this nesting thing is really gonna set in because I have NO energy! I am soo tired all the time. I want to clean the house and get ready and pack my hospital bag but I don't have any energy sheesh.
We finally got Chris to the dentist, he needs some work on his teeth, so hopefully next month we can get that started and fixed.
Well I really can't think of what else to write, probably because I am getting a tired wave but if I think of something else maybe I'll get on here and write, that is if I find enough time and energy. I think its naptime. :) 34 weeks, 6 to go... :D

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