Sunday, March 27, 2011

True Or False Labor?

So here I am again, on the blog, I wasn't going to but I can't sleep. So I'm currently trying to figure out if I'm in real labor or just false. I convinced myself it was just false but that was a couple hours ago ha. So contractions(braxton hicks) began at 5:50pm for each hour I had about 5 or 6. The last one I've had so far was at 11:54 and I don't think they're over but I have no idea. Anyways. Braxtons aren't suppose to be painful and contractions are.. Whatever mine are.. They aren't at all painful they're very tolerable I can eat, sleep, walk, and talk through them but I don't understand why they're going so long! I've tried sitting, standing, taking a bath, walking, and now laying in bed but they keep going. I'm waiting for the morning I'm getting up an hour before Chris has to work and if I still have them then no work but hospital... Part of me wants to have him soon but then I don't because we need Chris to go to work and bring home money, we are barely going to afford rent this month and still don't have a car seat yet, but I'm sure we'd get one if he comes. I can't sleep because I keep thinking! I still haven't packed my hospital bag yet either... I need to though, hey I started but I have to wash my select clothes in Dreft and pack stuff for Chris and Ace... Well speaking of which I'm going to throw those clothes in the wash incase we do have to leave in the morning, ill try to keep you posted as soon as possible!

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