Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Random Text.

So today I am just sitting on the couch, reading my book and my phone goes off. Chris text me out of the blue and said he loves me :) That little text, or thought, made my day so great. It made me smile and almost want to cry. He told me he has service on his location today, but it just made me happy that he thought of me :) I love that man so much!!
So I am pretty happy I have been able to read more books without losing focus! Since my last visit to the library I have read: The Search for WondLa, The Found, The Sent, and I am now almost finished reading The House on the Gulf. I have one other book to read, then hopefully I can make another trip to the library and have as much luck finding good books as I have this last time. I wonder how much time I will have to read when Ace is born, I mean I still have to have some time considering I'm going to be at home most of the time since I don't have a license yet or car or job. That is in a way a relief that I don't have to leave him to go back to work right away, but I do need to bust my butt and get my license, I drove the other day but I still need some more practice. Then we still need to fix the transmission in the Chevy so we will each have a vehicle. (That or just sell it and buy another vehicle, or bring up the Red Truck)
So tomorrow Kayla and Whitney invited me to hang out with them at Highline Lake, they plan on heading out there around 12 and leaving about 6. I really want to go so depending on what plans are tomorrow we shall see. It gives me a chance to use my new camera :D
So my mom ordered the cakes for the baby shower today! She got two cakes, because we are expecting anywhere from 26-40 people at the shower so we figured better safe than sorry. I am excited to see the theme she picked out for the cakes, she said I'm gonna love it, which I am sure I will!!! I'm amazed how much the cakes costed though! I don't know if its because of the type of cake or the designs but I sorta feel bad I mean they were like 40 bucks per cake! I am excited though!! But it just brings me back to feeling guilty that I wanted a certain kind of cake and that it costed so much. :( I really need to get over that, she wanted to help.
Anyways! I sure hope we have enough parking for the shower I mean shoot if there is going to be that many people I wonder where they're all going to park... then again we always have the block and across the street, there are a lot of vacant properties around the neighborhood so we could kinda "rent" the driveway for a little bit haha.
Well I think I'm going to try and finish this book before Chris gets home so I can start the next one and then request my new list of books from the library :)

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